Hair Clinic in Bhubaneswar - Hair Clinic in Odisha - Hairfall Treatment Clinic

Hair, like your skin and your nail, is often a barometer of general health. If you are healthy, your hair will probably look good. And if your hair is falling, it could be a sign of possible health problems. So everything you do for good health also applies to hair: eat your fruits and vegetables (Vitamin B, Iron, Calcium and Zinc have especially been linked to healthy hair); always consume a protein-rich diet (hair is made of proteins), and drink adequate water.
Dirty hair is more likely to get infected and more likely to fall – so keep your hair clean. Buy good-quality shampoo and hair products (in the long run this is cheaper than treating hair that is already half gone). When you shampoo your hair, concentrate on the scalp and hair roots. When applying a conditioner or hair lotion, it is better to concentrate on the ends of your hair (which tend to dry out faster and are more vulnerable to the damage that comes from exposure).
Wearing styles that pull the hair tight (usually into braids or pony tails). Many women pull their hair so tight it actually comes out of its roots. If you change your hairstyle soon enough, your hair will recover. Otherwise, your hair might permanently stop growing from the areas it is pulled most from.
Make a paste of henna, curd, soaked and ground fenugreek, ground hibiscus flowers, and egg (all of them or any one) and apply it onto the hair and scalp for about an hour before shampooing. Done regularly, this will make your hair stronger and better-looking. But remember that henna is suitable only for dark colored hair because it tints hair red.
Apply coconut or almond oil. If doing this daily does not appeal to you, apply the oil on the scalp overnight before shampooing, or apply a drop to the top of your head before you comb out your hair.
With age hair starts thinning, this happens because the body’s capacity to absorb nutrients decrease. The hair needs 22 amino acids to grow. Due to lack of amino acids from the diet the hair appears thin. However you can prevent the hair fall due to aging. You need to have soy beans, lean meat, dairy products, fish, eggs and nuts. You can also have fish oil tablets or supplements which is rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids.


  1. Thanks for sharing this good tips about hair hair loss. Nowadays, suffering from Hair Fall is a common problem seen in the case of both Men and Women. Due to Hormonal Imbalances, Ageing, Results of Heredity and Environmental Factors it occurs. But, the good news is that there are surgical and non-surgical treatments available to prevent this problem. In recent years Hair Transplant Surgery has gained its popularity among all treatments to stop Hair Loss. winika clinics is providing best treatment of hair loss problem.


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